Opening a Chinese Yen Currency Account
On your Wise Home Screen tap on the Open option as highlighted below.
Select the “Currency account” option on the next screen.
On the next screen in the “Search for a currency” area enter Chinese yuan.
From the list of currencies that appears, select CNY Chinese yuan.
You will then be returned to your home screen and you will see Chinese yuan added as a currency account.
Adding Chinese yuan currency to your Wise account.
Tap on the Chinese yuan account and you will be taken to the screen below.
Tap on the Add button to add currency to your account.
Type in the amount of Yuan you wish to add to your account. (Always allow an extra 20 Yuan for transfer fees you will encounter at the point of transfer to Jack. Pick the currency you wish to pay for Yuan in (in this case GBP). Then tap Continue.
Choose your payment method from the list of options. Usually Debit Card is the easiest & fastest option to use. Credit Cards can charge extra fees as they may see this as a funds transfer rather than a purchase. Manual Bank & Authorise Payment can be trickier & slower options, and offer no additional protection.
You can now tap on add a new card (in the currency you chose previously to pay for the CNY in) and you will be taken to a new screen where you can add your Debit Card info. Cards that you have already added will be listed here (like the example 0110 Visa card shown).
Once you have added the necessary funds, you will be returned back to your Wise home screen.
Tap on your Chinese yuan currency account again and this time tap on the Send button.
On the “Who are you sending to?” screen that appears, tap on the plus symbol as highlighted.
On the “Who’s your recipient” screen that appears, tap on the “Someone else” option as highlighted.
On the next screen tap on the Currency box (currently set to EUR below) to drop down a list of currencies.
Then select CNY from the list that appears.
Enter the details as shown in the below image to start the transfer process to Jack. Tap Confirm when done.
Enter the details as shown in the below image to start the transfer process to Jack.
Tap Confirm when done.
For ease of access this information is:
Full name of the account holder: Ding Wenbo
City: Shenzhen
Address:Longgang District
Post code: 518116
Bank code:ABOCCNBJ160
On the next screen enter in the exact amount you want to send to Jack in the area highlighted
below. As you can see, Wise charges you a fee for this transfer, this is where adding that extra 20
Yuan is useful. Review the information below this and when happy to continue tap Continue.
If presented with this information window just tap continue to continue with the
transfer process.
Review the information on the next screen, and if happy, scroll down to the bottom
part of the screen.
In the reference box it is a good idea to enter your name, maybe your email address,
the items ordered, etc. so that Jack can easily see who the money is from and what it
is for. Tap Confirm and send to continue.
Enter your Wise account password and tap on Continue to approve the transfer to
Wise will now start to transfer your funds to Jack.
Finally, provided you entered the correct details on the choose someone to pay
screen, your transfer to Jack will have completed and she will receive the funds in
very short time. Tap Got it to return to the home screen.